We always knew Her Majesty had a sense of humour.
Submitted by Shipmate John Evans
A Queen’s Tale: from an old Scots Guard:-
I was on Guard of Honour, waiting for the King of Saudi Arabia, on Horse Guards.
Right flank: Scots Guard (100 guardsmen), a gap, then H.M. the Queen, mounted in full uniform, alongside Colonel Gerald, a gap, then left flank was the Queens Company Grenadier Guards (100 guardsmen).
We were stood at ease waiting.
Colonel Gerald’s charger erupted with horse farts (full volume) for two minutes.
Colonel Gerald says “ Sorry about that, your Majesty!”
She replies, in a wonderful voice, “That’s alright, Gerald, I thought it was your horse!”
200 guardsmen silently cried with laughter and tapped their rifles butts on the gravel.
From that moment, every man there adored her!