Merchant Navy Association (Wales)
The Association was formed in Cardiff in the Spring of 1995 by the late Bill Henke MBE and friends, to bring together in a spirit of friendship all seafarers who have served, or are still serving, in the Merchant Navy, Royal Fleet Auxiliary and Deep Sea Fishing Fleets.
The Patron of the Association is The Rt. Hon. the Lord Elis-Thomas PC.
The Association was granted the Freedom of the City and County of Cardiff in September 2001, and the County Borough of the Vale of Glamorgan in April 2005.
Membership is open to all who have served, or are still serving as Merchant Seamen and signed on Articles as such in the Merchant Navy, Royal Fleet Auxiliary and Deep Sea Fishing Fleets, and to spouses, widows and others closely connected.
The Association also has a Branch at Barry in the Vale of Glamorgan. Branch meetings are held on the last Wednesday of every month at 2.00 p.m. in the Liberal Club, Thompson Street, Barry.
If you have any comments or queries please send them to We would love to hear from you.
Site Index
Events Diary
Members Gallery
Members’ Ships
Campaign Medals
Lest we Forget
Books of Remembrance
Swinging the Lantern
Russian Convoy Club
Archived Legacy Website (2009-2022)